Upgrade WiFi Access Point Firmware

Upgrade via the UI should work, if not, try:

  1. SCP the *.bin file to /tmp/fwupdate.bin
  2. SSH to AP, and issue: syswrapper.sh upgrade2 & (backgrounding is important!)

If it's still being difficult, then try the following:

  1. Cache the relevant firmware using the Unifi UI
  2. Stop the Unifi controller
  3. SSH to AP, and issue: defaultsyswrapper.sh restore-default
  4. Username / password will be ubnt/ubnt after this
  5. SCP the *.bin file to /tmp/fwupdate.bin
  6. SSH to AP, and issue: syswrapper.sh upgrade2 & (backgrounding is important!)
  7. Wait for AP to restart
  8. Start Unifi controller
  9. AP should be re-adopted