printk() Support Macros

--- a/include/linux/printk.h
+++ b/include/linux/printk.h
@@ -528,4 +528,8 @@ static inline void print_hex_dump_debug(const char *prefix_str, int prefix_type,

+#define PK()               PKR("")
+#define PKS(str)           PKR(": %s", str)
+#define PKF(fmt, args...)  PKR(": " fmt, ##args)
+#define PKV(fmt, var)      PKR(": " #var ": " fmt, var)
+#define PKVB(fmt, var)     PKR(": " #var ": [" fmt "]", var)
+#define PKR(fmt, args...)  printk(KERN_INFO "ATTIE: %s:%d %s()" fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)


void fn(void) {
  /* just print a message with filename, line and function name */

  /* print a message with a plain string only */

  /* print a message with a format string and arguments */
  int var = 42;
  PKF("var: %d", var);

  /* print the value of a variable, with a given format
     example output: ... fn(): var2: 123 */
  int var2 = 123;
  PKV("%d", var2);

  /* print the value of a variable, bounded with braces (useful for strings!)
     example output: ... fn(): var3: [hello  ] */
  char *var3 = "hello  ";
  PKVB("%s", var3);


```c tab="pk.h"

ifndef PK_H

define PK_H

define PK() PKR("")

define PKS(str) PKR(": %s", str)

define PKF(fmt, args...) PKR(": " fmt, ##args)

define PKV(fmt, var) PKR(": " #var ": " fmt, var)

define PKVB(fmt, var) PKR(": " #var ": [" fmt "]", var)

define PKR(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "ATTIE: %s:%d %s()" fmt "\n", FILE, LINE, FUNCTION, ##args)

endif / PK_H /
